“I need to replace the siding on my house,” Glen said. “But I don’t want to be in a situation where five years from now, I need to do this job again. So what I want to know is how long does it take vinyl siding to fade?”
Vinyl siding is the single most popular exterior cladding option in Somerville, and indeed, in much of the nation. The reasons for this are simple: vinyl siding is affordable, durable, and requires little to no maintenance. That being said, let’s address the question of color fade. As Somerville, MA vinyl siding contractors, this is something we hear a lot.
The reason people today are so concerned about fading vinyl siding is that the siding produced twenty to thirty years ago did fade, particularly when it’s exposed to a lot of bright sunlight often. This fading was most noticeable on deep colors, particularly the blues and greens.
But vinyl siding technology has evolved tremendously. This is particularly relevant in terms of color intensity and durability. The siding we install today is created to deliver long-lasting intense color for thirty years or more. Frankly, this color lasts so long that it’s most often replaced for aesthetic reasons – the homeowner got sick of the color and wanted something else!
The color also goes deeper into the product. This is important in case your home gets scratched or damaged. Many homeowners do not realize how common it is for a storm to blow branches, small stones and other debris around. These flying objects can create small scratches on the surface of the home. On older vinyl siding, these scratches show and make your home look tired. Today’s modern vinyl siding doesn’t show the scratches as much. This means it lasts longer. Your Somerville, MA vinyl siding company can help you choose siding that will deliver beautiful color for decades!